Fellowship of Believers PA
Our Vision
To spread the good news to our local community and to the world.
The Fellowship of Believers encourage one another, share and love one another in a safe, non-judging environment. Our goal is to strengthen and help each other to become mature followers in Jesus Christ so they can do the same for others.
Our Practice
We "The Fellowship of Believers" are a born again non-denominational Christian Church (John 3:3) that worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). We worship virtually on Sundays and judge no man on the day he chooses to worship (Gal.4:9-11 , Col. 2:14-17) because everyday is the Lord's Day (Romans 15:5-6).
We practice the Table of the Lord, commonly called Holy Communion of the Lord’s Supper for believers; as a symbol of the Passover Meal. Matthew 26:17-30, Luke 22:7-23, Luke 2:41, John 5:1, 6:4, I Corinthians 11:23-32
We perform water baptism by immersion and believe that baptism is not essential for salvation, but is an outward expression of the reality of conversion that every believer should pursue as a public witness to Jesus Christ’s command to be baptized.
Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38 – 39; 10: 47, 48; 19: 1-6